COZY UP with Tea and a Flower! Life has really Changed!


This year has been about deadlines and I won’t deny it! Is a deadline a motivator or a cause of stress?

Get your cup up tea and your flower and let’s catch up!


Oh no! I am not a fan of deadlines, but with a few months of being slow of work last year, after a life full of work, travel, clients and major deadlines, I had no idea what to do with myself. So I shook-off the ‘where am I going look’ and took the first step! I began to decorate the interior of my home and the exterior ‘garden decor’ (I call it garden decor when I also speak of my flower beds)

That feeling of cozy is inspired by nature and being surrounded by things that makes you feel nurtured. The cozy feeling has been needed and the desired ‘cup of hot tea’ has become an essential one. Slowing down is not a sin any longer, it is now looked at as a major achievement. ‘Cozy’ is the buzzing word!

Creativity had to be Back in my Life

I made the decision, last summer, that ‘Deadlines’ are not all bad. To be creative I need deadlines to be part of the process.

I remember when I told my Fiance back then, that I was going to do instagram and began doing what I love. Of course, gardening and home decor.

Cozy up Tea

My daily routine was all about both of them, so why not take the leap and get going on social media to share what I was up to.

Check out the blog post,‘Xmas Mood / Cozy up with Tea and a Flower’ for more updates. READ HERE!

Social Media to the Rescue!

Whom am I kidding, being extremely social, I also needed some more human contact. I love Frank and my mother, but I wanted people, lots of people. I am a social being and I figured, ‘social media’!

The only issue was that I had no clue how any of it worked, but I was determined to figure out what a hashtag was. I came up with the name and did my first post.

You want to learn about the meaning of ‘Cocoon Raw’? Check out my ‘More About Me’. READ HERE!

When I got my instagram account, I posted about 20 photos at once to build the account, not knowing that they would fill others pages! Oh, I had a long way to go to learn the basics.

I am laughing as I write this! I was laughable, but I was also:

  • Determined to make it work.
  • Committed to change the way I was living my day to day.
  • Scared of where I was going, but not looking back.

What was the Next Best Thing to do?

Cozy Up Grow Rack

Maybe you guessed it!

Build myself in a corner of the garage, an area to grow seeds with a grow rack and a work table.

Have you tried asking your husband to give you a piece of the garage? Yes, I did it! He was all supportive, though I do hear about it at times, But, he is proud and loves it!

Frank helped me build a growing rack and set up a work area. That small change completely change the direction of my life. And I mean it when I say ‘completely’!

Now I find seeds wherever I can, even in my spice rack! Not even a potato is safe, I will take it to grow a plant instead of eat it.

Cozy Up Spices
Cozy Up Potato

Want to decorate your kitchen? Check out my post ‘HOW TO DECORATE KITCHEN COUNTERTOPS’, READ HERE!

Extending our Home to the Outdoors


The next steps were all on the garden!

  • Create a cozy outdoor seating area.
  • A garden area to add many more dahlias.
  • Expand the growing area for vegetables by adding vertical trellises and arches.
  • Adding more raised bed gardens and planting containers.
  • I had to add a fire pit! I planned on starting every morning outdoors with my cup of coffee!

Made it through the Season with a Forest in the Front Lawn!

Cozy up flowers

We have plans to buy some land and start a Mini Farm.

Well, okay, I had plans and Frank again supported my crazy dream. He is aware that I dream big, no holding back!

So I did the next best thing, ordered about 70 dahlias for the farm.

Problem? Yes, the housing market went crazy and we have not been able to get the farm. We are working on it, but the story will be for another post.

What did I do? I took a large area of the front lawn that now is a “Forest of Dahlias”. This is how my neighbors refer to it. No shame, I dig the flowers and I hope I get many more dahlia forests in the future.

Have you read my post about ‘HELP! My DAHLIAS are not blooming / MY FAVORITES!. READ HERE!

What is Next in the world I am living in today?

So many things are happening!

This journey I began last summer has now become my big passion. It began with Instagram, then the blog, then Pinterest!

The next thing is, You Tube!

Decor not hesitating 2

I still can’t believe it, but if you met my mentor, KariAnne from Thistlewood, you know that you have to dream bigger than you ever thought you could.

So she has motivated me to do You Tube and now I will be posting very soon. I have two already completed and working on my third one.

Whiplash! I Made it!

It is a constant life of learning something new, socializing and meeting amazing people with the same passions!

Some call the New Year a new beginning. I call the First Day of Autumn a new beginning. So much shifts at this time, the garden, decorating for the holidays, foods you eat and social events (even if via social media).

This is a busy time of the year.

Even the weather shifts big time and it will take a little getting use to after such an incredible summer.

But the big one for me is collecting seeds!


Some things are Changing in the Garden

I finally bought some mums and pansies for my container garden. I am not mad about it, I like it.


But letting go of my tomato plants and other vegetables is hard. I kept a couple.

I am not a huge fan of purple, my mother and husband love it. But did you see, most flowers I placed are in the purple family! Who knew!

Maybe I do love it a little after all!

Harvesting is the Coziest thing to Do!

I have been enjoying harvesting so much!

Cozy Harvest

Tomatoes are my favorite this year. I even made salsa from my cherry tomatoes! It is so delicious! I never knew you could make salsa from cherry tomatoes, but I made it work.


Cozy is it! I am Grateful for a Year of many Lessons.

Give yourself a deadline, take a chance, do something unexpected, try it and if you fail, then try again.

This has been my year and will continue to be.

Why not?

Everything can change in a blink of an eye!

How was your year?

Your ‘Cocoon’ awaits you!


Come visit some amazing posts for more Diy’s!

DIY Blue & White Chinoiserie pumpkins

Outdoor Projects to Try This Weekend


Instagram @cocoonraw



TikTok cocoon_raw

You Tube Cocoon Raw

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  1. I must admit, I am jealous that you are planting new things for fall. I’m shutting the garden down and getting ready for snow that can come at any time. Thank you so much for the share!

    1. Oh no! It is too soon for snow! I hope you get a little more time to enjoy the outdoors.

  2. I loved this post. I have been part of the Mastermind class. But now I am really taking the leap. Ireally enjoyed this post.

    Your Dahlia are beautiful!

  3. It is so nice to hear about your journey and they way you have adapted to changes of plan. I would love to be living next to a forest of dahlias! Thank you so much for sharing my post.

    1. I know you are on an incredible journey yourself and understand so much. It is an exciting time for so many of us!

  4. It was lovely to catch up on what is happening in your life! The next YouTube star I think is quite the possibility!

    1. LOL! You are funny, a youtube star. Thank you though, it has been an amazing year!

    1. Thank you Paula! The neighbors are very kind and shocked on the amount of flowers that bloom at once. I need more dahlia forests myself!

  5. It’s inspiring to watch someone follow their dreams and creative spirit. You’ve created a beautiful space here and on social media. KariAnne is an amazing mentor and I’ve loved being part of the Thistlewood community too. xo

    1. Juliet, thank you so very much! I still can’t believe what has been accomplished this past year and where I am today. So grateful to the Thistlewood community!

  6. I kinda laugh about some of your comments about your husband Frank. He seems to be a really good sport and wants to make you happy.
    I just he loves a good vino and cheese.
    Getting him to move the 300 pound Buddha multiple times seemed a bit much though. I am sure his back was sore.

    I do like the pictures of your flowers and landscaping. You have a good start and will inspire many.

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words. Be assured, Frank had plenty of help. We always have a lot of help from family, but thank you for caring so much about him. Glad you enjoy the blog and look forward to hearing from you again.

  7. I’m so glad we met through the mastermind group! I love your content so much – can’t wait to see what you do on YouTube!! <3

    1. Same Stacey, so happy we met through the group! Thank you so much for being such an amazing supporter and teaching me.

  8. Melba – lovely post. Your story is wonderful and so fun to watch. You are inspiring, I’m making goals and moving forward too!

    1. Regina, thank you so much for such kind words! I believe and keep believing, not looking back or questioning any longer. Good for you, let’s make it amazing!

    1. Thank you Elizabeth! I agree, it is super interesting to hear stories of blogger’s personal life. You also have an amazing weekend!

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